from Anna Zumbahlen's review in Full Stop

"[P]erception reduces a landscape to its parts—weather, vegetation, animal sounds—and reconstitutes it around these minor impressions. This is how Mita Mahato’s attention moves in Arctic Play, an illustrated, genre-bending book: Grammar gathers around sensory witness in ways that are first simple and then complex, and full of color. [. . .] All three acts have the sensibility of a lyric poem in that they produce in the reader an attention to a small moment and the expansiveness of its resonance. This kind of poetic attention is particular in how it attends to objects as they appear—and then how they rub up against their implications. Mahato’s poetic attention interacts with ideas and observations about community and climate, and the spaces in her language are literally filled in with color."

Each of the four scenes that make up Act 2 record fragments of conversations among passengers during the journey. Handmade papers embedded with plastic scraps from food packaging, along with cut paper images, provide the setting for these disembodied voices and their hallucinations.